Brooks (Early)
Large, uniform oblate dark red fruit. Flesh is firm and crisp with variable shades of red and pink. The stone is nearly free. Flavor is superior to Early Burlat and is sweet, rich, well-balanced, and exceptional for early season maturity.
Chelan™ PC7146-23 cv (Early)
Resembles Bing with good size. Firm, round fruit. Good flavored fruit which matures two weeks ahead of Bing. Quite resistant to cracking. The tree is upright and vigorous. Pollinizers are Lapins and Index.
Coral Champagne (Early)
Large, firm fruit with a rich glossy red wine finish. Ripens 7 to 10 days before Bing. Trees are very precocious and fruit has low susceptibility to rain cracking. Flavor is truly exceptional.
Cristalina™ (Early)
The fruit is juicy, dark red and attractive. Ripens 6 days ahead of Bing. Bears early and makes an excellent pollinizer. The tree is spreading and productive.
Early Robin® (USPP# 13951) (Early)
A rainier-type cherry maturing 7-10 days before standard Rainier. This mild flavored cherry is medium to large in size. Other distinct characteristics include a semi-freestone pit and a heart-shaped appearance. It has shown some susceptibility to winter and frost damage as well as bacterial canker.
An early black cherry from the Summerland, B.C. plant breeding program that matures eight days ahead of Bing with a sweeter flavor than other early dark cherries. Blooms in the middle of the bloom season. Good size fruit with an oval shape and a medium long stem. The tree is self-fertile but does not appear to over-set. It is moderately rain tolerant, but appears to be prone to nose splitting when it does split.
Royal Ann (Early)
Large sweet cherry with light yellow fruit and a rose blush. It is considered one of the best canning cherries because of its firm, sweet juicy flesh. It is a very early bloomer, and requires another early to mid-season variety for good pollination.
Blackpearl® NY8139 cv (Early)
Early cherry with exceptional firmness and storability, ripening 8 to 10 days before Bing, with Chelan™. This large cherry is firm and crunchy with excellent flavor, 20% sugar and a low incidence of cracking. The vigorous, upright tree is a heavy producer.
Tieton® PC7144-6 cv (Early)
A premium export-quality dark red sweet cherry. Similar to Bing in appearance, the fruit is very large in size (10 to 14 g, 28 to 32 mm width), with a glossy mahogany red skin and medium red flesh. It ripens 6 to 9 days before Bing, has excellent firmness, and a mild flavor. The susceptibility to both rain-induced cracking and heat-induced double/spur fruit are comparable to Bing.
Benton® PC7146-8 cv (USPP #15,847) (Mid-season)
Large, excellent quality, dark red cherry that ripens with Bing. Self-fertile. Blooms with Bing, and crops very well. In consumer evaluations, it far outdistanced all other cherries, including Bing, for the mid-season ripening period.
Bing (Mid-season)
Fruit is very large, dark mahogany to black, attractive; one of the finest commercial sweet cherries. One of the best shipping and fresh market varieties as well as commercial canning. Flesh very solid, reddish-purple, flavor of the highest quality, firm and juicy. Requires a pollinizer.
Black Tartarian (Mid-season)
Very large, heart shaped fruits vary from bright purplish-black to red skin with sweet, red rich juicy flesh. This remarkably vigorous tree is an erect grower and immense bearer. Mainly used as a pollinizer for most varieties. Excellent for home orchard.
Burgundypearl® NY 38L cv (Mid-season)
Mid-season cherry that ripens approximately 1-3 days before Bing. Very large fruit. Dark red color. Moderately firm and crunchy texture. High brix. Long, secure stems. Excellent canker and crack resistance. Excellent flavor. Self-fertile.
Large size fruit. Dark red color. Firm and crunchy texture. Great flavor. Harvests early to mid season, 3-5 days before Bing. Productive, hardy, and vigorous tree. Canker resistant.
Ebonypearl™ NY 32 cv (Mid-season)
Mid-season cherry that ripens approximately 1-3 days before Bing. Very large fruit. Dark red color. Moderately firm and crunchy texture. High brix. Long, secure stems. Excellent canker and crack resistance. Excellent flavor. Requires a pollenizer.
Rainier (Mid-season)
Large, yellow fruit with a red blush similar to Royal Ann. Firm, clear to light yellow flesh. Fine-textured and distinct flavor. Vigorous, upright spreading tree. Early bearing. Very productive. Ripens mid-season.
Tulare (Mid-season)
A distinct variety of cherry tree which is characterized by the date of maturity of approximately 3 days after Brooks and 7 days ahead of Bing. It is similar to Bing and is distinguished as a novelty by producing a cherry which has exceptional storage and shipping characteristics.
Stella (Mid-season)
Large, heart-shaped, moderately firm, dark red fruit. Sweet, juicy flesh. Rich flavor. Ideal for home orchards. Very vigorous, productive tree. First self-fertile sweet cherry. Fine pollinizer for other varieties.
Van (Mid-season)
Large, shiny, reddish black sweet cherry similar to Bing but firmer. Blocky shape with a short stem. Good flavor. Good fresh, cooked, canned and frozen. Commercial size and quality. Not a long distance shipper. Strong, vigorous, upright and very hardy tree. Excellent pollinator. Pollinate with Bing, Lambert, Rainier, Royal Ann, or Stella.
Attika® Kordia cv (USPPAF) (Late)
This is a late blooming cherry that came from the Czech Republic. It is a large and dark cherry which harvests 3-5 days after Bing. It has a good quality for the fresh market. Fruit firmness is good, has a long stem, and does not overset.
Lapins (Late)
Large, highly split-resistant, self-fertile cherry. The fruit is dark red, with lighter red flesh. It harvests two weeks after Bing. Tree is cold hardy and an excellent pollinizer.
Regina™ Jork 57/201 cv (Late)
Fruit quality is high, with firm, large, dark red cherries. The flavor is mild and sweet. It is tolerant to cracking and ripens between Lapins and Sweetheart. This is a new variety from Germany.
Skeena™ (Late)
A large round firm cherry with dark red to black skin. It ripens about 14 days after Van. The fruit is juicy, sweet, and has good-eating qualities. It appears to have good tolerance to rain induced cracking and is self-fertile.
Sweetheart™ (Late)
Large, bright red fruit that matures 4 weeks after Bing. It is a self-fertile variety that bears annually. It requires pruning to prevent size problems.
Montmorency (Late)
This compact tree bears armloads of ripe, tangy, red cherries, which make mouthwatering, succulent pies and cobblers. Originates from Montmorency Valley, France circa 1600s, introduced to the U.S. in the 1800s. Cold-hardy. Ripens in mid June. Self-pollinating.
Gold™ Sweet Cherry
Hardy. Yellow color. Harvests mid-June. Small size fruit. Sweet and tangy flavor. Vigorous and bird-resistant.